Friday, December 3, 2010

WDS between Buffalo WHR-HP-G300N(DDWRT) and Engenius EOC2610/2611p(Stock firmware)

Equipments :
1x Buffalo WHR-HP-G300N flashed to DDWRT V-24 SP2, downloadable from buffalo website.
1x Engenius EOC-2610/2611p with stock firmware version 1.2.0.

The network is configured as below :


  • Modem local IP address is
  • EOC-2611p IP address is
  • WHR-HP-G300N IP address is
  • The modem is configured as DHCP server, so all clients connected to EOC-2611p or WHR-HP-G300N will get DHCP IP from the modem.

EOC-2610/2611p configuration :
Please reset your device to factory default so that its easier for you to do the configuration !

System->System Properties -> Operation Mode : Access Point

System->IP Settings :
IP Address :
IP Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :

Wireless->Wireless Network
SSID : Hotspot
Security : Open System/No Encryption
Enable : Ticked
Profile SSID Isolation : No Isolation

WHR-HP-G300N configuration :
Please reset you devices to factory default so that its easier for you to do the configuration !
I believe image explain better, sorry for the blurry image.

After applying all the settings, login to your WHR-HP-G300N and check the status.

Now, take a laptop and try to connect to SSID "Hotspot 2" as per configured in your WHR-HP-G300N Wireless Virtual Interface. If you've done the configuration and setup a DHCP server(in your modem) correctly, the laptop should be getting a DHCP IP !

Hope this tutorial helps! Have a nice day!

Monday, August 3, 2009

VirtualBox : Installing SmoothWall As Client

Before you begin, make sure that you've successfully installed VirtualBox.

Requirement : VirtualBox

In this guide :

Host = Windows XP(32bit OS)
Client = SmoothWall(32bit OS)


I'm using static IP address for my network connection.

1. Go to Control Panel->Network Connections
2. Bridge your Local Area Connection and VirtualBox Host-Only Network adapter by highlighting both adapters, right click on it and click "Bridge Connections".

After successfully bridge your network adapters

3. Set your static IP address for your Network Bridge by right-click Network Bridge->Properties->Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)

4. Open Sun VirtualBox->New

-Click Next

-Click Next

-256MB Memory Needed for SmoothWall
-Click Next

-Click Next

-Click Next

-Select Fixed-size expanding storage
-Click Next

-I'm going to use 10GB of HDD space for my SmoothWall Virtual Machine .
-Click Next then click Finish

Open your Sun VirtualBox control panel.

-Highlight "SmoothWall" and click "Settings"
-Go to Network


-As we can see, we're going to use 2 virtual Network Adapters for our SmoothWall because SmoothWall need at least 2 Network Cards.

-Go to CD/DVD-ROM tab

-Mount your SmoothWall installation CD or ISO.
-If you don't have one, you can download from here(32bit).
-And click OK.

-Go back to VirtualBox control panel

-Click Start
-Follow this tutorial for the SmoothWall installation procedure.


Virtual Box : Installation

Taken from VirtualBox Homesite :

VirtualBox is a powerful x86 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). See "About VirtualBox" for an introduction.

Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh and OpenSolaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris, and OpenBSD.


I'm going to install VirtualBox on a WindowsXP.

1. Download VirtualBox installation file from here.
2. Double click the file you've just downloaded to install Sun xVM VirtualBox.

I'm going to install SmoothWall(client) inside my WindowsXP(host) machine.
Host refers to the computer/machine where you install VirtualBox inside it.
Client refers to virtual machine/Operating System(OS) that you're going to install inside a VirtualBox host computer/machine.

SmoothWall as Client

SmoothWall : Squid Analysis Report Generator(SARG)

Taken from the SARG Homesite :
"Sarg - Squid Analysis Report Generator is a tool that allows you to view "where" your users are going to on the Internet. It provides much information about Squid users activities: times, bytes, sites, etc...

Screenshot 1 - Admin Page

Screenshot 2 - Report Sample


Requirement : Working SmoothWall

1. SSH to your SmoothWall box. I'm using Putty for connecting to my SmoothWall box through SSH from my windows based PC.

2. Open Putty and type your SmoothWall IP Address , Port:222 , and Connection Type:SSH and click Open. Login using username:root and your root's password.

3. Install SARG module by typing
~$ cd /tmp
~$ wget
~$ tar -zxvf sarg-swe3.tar.gz -C /
~$ ./

3. The install script will ask you if you would like the daily, weekly, monthly reports to be generated from crontab. If you answer yes, the squid logrotate process will be taken over by the monthly script and the lines in /etc/logrotate.d/squid commented out.

There are four jobs that are going to run: today, daily, weekly, and monthly.
-> the today job runs every hour from 8am to 6pm. This keeps your Squid reports updated every hour.
-> the daily job runs at midnight of every day.
-> the weekly job runs on the first hour of the first day of every week.
-> the monthly job runs on the 30th minute of the second hour of the first day of every month.


Just browse to the logs tab and there'll be a new sarg section where you'll be able to edit the config file. For the settings to be applied you have to click on save, especially the first time you load the page.

To view the reports , click on the daily, weekly, monthly hyperlinks. Note that those hyperlinks will only be active once the corresponding reports have been generated.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

SmoothWall : Fresh Installation

After about a week searching for a free solution for proxy server + content filtering, I've end up installing SmoothWall as it is free for what I actually need.

SmoothWall is based on linux.


By assuming you're using 32bit machine.

1.Download SmoothWall Express 3.0 ISO from here.

2.Install SmoothWall to your machine with minimum 2 NIC.

3.If you encounter any installation problem, download this installation guide and this administrator guide.

4.After you've successfully installed your SmoothWall and configure the correct IP address settings for your RED and GREEN network of your SmoothWall box, you can now access and configure your SmoothWall configuration page through https://"your smoothwall box ip address":441.

5.After logging in, go to "Services>Remote Access" and tick "SSH" and save it. By doing this, you'll be able to access your SmoothWall box through SSH connection on port 222 instead of default SSH port that is 22.

6.I'm using Putty for connecting to my SmoothWall box through SSH. Type your SmoothWall IP Address , Port:222 , and Connection Type:SSH and click Open. Login using username:root and your root's password.


Install Advanced Proxy module by typing
~$ cd /tmp
~$ wget
~$ tar -zxvf /tmp/swe3-32-advproxy-3.0.3.tar.gz
~$ /tmp/

After installing the module, the section "Services>Proxy" will be replaced by "Services>Advanced Proxy".

8. Install URL Filter module by typing
~$ cd /tmp
~$ wget
~$ tar -zxvf /tmp/swe3-32-urlfilter-1.5.3.tar.gz
~$ /tmp/smoothwall-urlfilter/install

After installing the module, you can access the URL Filter configuration page at "Services>URL Proxy".

9. Now you can configure your SmoothWall to be a proxy server + content filtering.
10. If you have any problem, you can go to this forum and find the solution there.